

The Gender Equality Index rises by 4% by 2022

For the year 2022, the CCPA - DELTAVIT UES has succeeded in improving its gender equality index from 80 to 84, an increase of 4%.

For the year 2022, the Gender Equality Index of the CCPA - Deltavit UES recorded a significant increase of 4 points, marking a major step forward in significantly reducing the disparities between men and women in the workplace. This positive development is the result of a policy aimed at promoting career development for women and targeted action on pay.

Gender Equality Index: 100 points calculated on 5 criteria

The Gender Equality Women-Men Index, created by French law in 2018, aims to assess the gaps between men and women within companies and to promote concrete measures in favour of professional equality. Out of a total of 100 points, companies are assessed according to five key criteria:

1. Pay gap: measures the difference in pay between women and men in equivalent positions within the company.

2. The difference in the rate of individual pay rises: used to check whether women and men are benefiting equally from pay rises.

3. Promotion rate gap: assesses whether promotions are awarded fairly to women and men on the basis of their performance and skills.

4. The presence of women among the ten employees with the highest salaries: highlights the representation of women in positions of responsibility and management bodies.

5. The number of women employees receiving pay rises after returning from maternity leave: measures the trend in pay rises awarded to women after maternity leave.

The improvement in the Gender Equality Index in 2021 and 2022 reflects a policy aimed at promoting a culture of equality within the teams. However, there is still some way to go to achieve full gender equality, particularly in terms of women's access to management and executive positions.

A priority for HR policy

To increase the Gender Equality Index in the coming years, CCPA intends to pursue its policy with measures such as:

1. Pursue a transparent and fair pay policy: each year, the criteria for awarding pay are explained during the mandatory annual negotiations. For several years now, CCPA has been devoting 0.5% of its payroll to reducing the gender pay gap.

2. Develop professional mobility within the Group and encourage women to take up positions of responsibility.

Continuing to improve this index will be one of the priorities of the Group's Human Resources Policy as part of the Become 2025 Strategic Action Plan, with the aim of exceeding 86 in 2023.


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