

The poultry nutrition approach

The CCPA Group's poultry nutrition approach is based on the implementation of effective and innovative feed programs on farms, meeting profitability and performance objectives, while preserving the environment and animal welfare. The Group's poultry specialists also provide zootechnical advice and field support in breeding.

The CCPA Group's two major areas of research and development in poultry production are:

  • optimizing poultry health and maintaining their performance by implementing natural nutritional solutions,
  • improving the quality of finished products: nutritional and organoleptic qualities of chicken meat, solidity of egg shells...

The nutritional solutions proposed: premixes of additives, nutritional additives or dietetic feeds, are based on the CCPA Group's phyto-expertise. They are the result of the balance between the profitability needs of the farms and the latest scientific knowledge. The natural plant extracts, vitamins and trace elements that compose them have been selected and assembled for their zootechnical interest and to guarantee quality, stable and effective production feed. 

Health and performance support


  • Maintenance of ingestion during the delicate phases of breeding:

>> FeedStim, mixed into poultry feeds or premixes, combines different sources of plant extracts.This nutritionnal solution encourages consumption and helps to maintain production performance, during challenging stages: at the start of laying, during heat stress...

Proven benefits*:

  • Stimulates ingestion,
  • Improves FCR: -5%,
  • Improves the rate of lay: +2%,
  • Improves ADG: +10%.

>> Delta®Stimflash, a dietary feed that can be used in drinking water, supports ingestion and zootechnical performance, especially in difficult conditions. This complementary feed is composed of vitamins and essential oils rich in flavonoids.

Proven profits*: 

  • Improves vaccine responses,
  • Improves the consumption index: -3%,
  • Improves ADG: +3%,
  • Improves egg laying rate: +2%,
  • Reduces the number of downgraded eggs: -1%.


  • Establishment and balance of the digestive flora 

ProActiv’® Range: Respectful and inspired by the physiology of poultry, ProActiv’® nutritional solutions contribute to a beneficial intestinal microbiota. They thus support the improvement of production performance and animal comfort.

>> Examples of proven benefits* with ProActiv' Poultry solution:

  • Improves FCR: -3%,
  • Increases rate of lay: +3%,
  • Better condition of poultry litters.
  • Performance support in case of red lice infestation

Brio® Mite, which can be used as an ingredient in feed or distributed in drinking water, a combination of selected plant extracts, maintains egg production performance in the event of red lice infestation on farms.

Proven profits*:

  • Improves egg laying rate: +1.5%, thanks to better blood transfer,
  • Improves egg quality and decay rate: -1%.​

Meat quality

>> Méga® Protect improves meat quality and conservation (reduction of lipid oxidation), thanks to its formulation rich in rigorously selected plant extracts and antioxidants.

Proven benefits*:

  • Reduction of meat oxidation,
  • Reduction water loss from meat on draining and drying and during cooking: -5 to -20%,
  • Extension of the Use-by Date.

>> Méga® Tender, incorporated in broiler chicken feed, reduces meat presentation defects, such as "white striping", "wooden breast" and "spaghetti meat".

Proven profits*:

  • -24% white striping at 42 days,
  • -10%"wooden breast" at 42 days.

*All the results mentioned are extracted from experimental and field trials.

Other nutritional solutions have been developed. Do not hesitate to contact us for futher information.

Support for precision nutrition

At the heart of the poultry nutrition support approach, the Group's specialists provide their customers with:

>> An expertise in optimizing feed formulas and knowledge of raw materials

>> Numerous experimental devices (network of reference farms, experimental research station, pilot plant...), to validate the effectiveness of feed programs developed

>> Scénari, an exclusive decision making tool, to support poultry meat feed manufacturers



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