27 February 2025
Each year, the CCPA Group conducts an analysis of global food trends, which serve as a foundation and source of inspiration for our...
Managing dairy cow immunity at calving to produce more milk
Parturition induces an innate immune response in dairy cows with an increase in inflammation and Reactive Oxygen Species production. The drop in circulating antioxidants at the end...
The nutritional approach to ruminants
The CCPA Group’s nutritional solutions for ruminants are intended to improve the profitability of livestock farms and are based on extensive zootechnical expertise and field intelligence....
Incenderat autem audaces usque ad insaniam homines ad haec, quae nefariis egere conatibus, Luscus quidam curator urbis subito visus: eosque ut heiulans baiolorum praecentor ad expediendum...
Incenderat autem audaces usque ad insaniam homines ad haec, quae nefariis egere conatibus, Luscus quidam curator urbis subito visus: eosque ut heiulans baiolorum praecentor ad expediendum...
Incenderat autem audaces usque ad insaniam homines ad haec, quae nefariis egere conatibus, Luscus quidam curator urbis subito visus: eosque ut heiulans baiolorum praecentor ad expediendum...
Incenderat autem audaces usque ad insaniam homines ad haec, quae nefariis egere conatibus, Luscus quidam curator urbis subito visus: eosque ut heiulans baiolorum praecentor ad expediendum...
Anticipating and meeting your needs in Asia
Optimisation of the cost of feed, improvement of feed efficiency, management of heat stress or research into natural alternatives to growth factors are crucial technical and economic...
Anticipating and meeting your needs in Brazil
Optimisation of the cost of feed, improvement of feed efficiency, management of heat stress or research into natural alternatives to growth factors are crucial technical and economic...
Nutega: expert in premix and prestarter feeds on the Spanish market
A reknown specialist in the Spanish market Nutega has swiftly developed a full range of products and services to optimise the efficiency and economic performance of livestock production...
Galascorus®, growth tracking software for dairy heifers
The successful management of replacement heifers is as much a technical as an economic issue for dairy farmers, since it predetermines the career of the future dairy cows (productivity...
to do
The nutritional approach to rabbits
The CCPA Group has undertaken a number of major research and development projects hinging on: Setting up effective demedication programmes on livestock farms Optimising meat quality...
Professional diversity in animal nutrition and heath, serving client development
Efficiency in animal nutrition and health through ongoing innovation Innovation is an integral part of the CCPA Group, which has always given it important consideration. Very early...
Anticipating and meeting your needs in Algeria
Optimisation of the cost of feed, improvement of feed efficiency, and management of heat stress are important technical and economic concerns on livestock farms in Algeria. To deal...
Formulation: expertise in raw materials in the service performance and livestock feed quality
In close collaboration with the CCPA Group's species engineers, the formulation specialists help and advise the animal nutrition professionals in: Defining the optimal nutritional requirements...