Publications scientifiques - Page 1
Dans le Groupe CCPA, l’innovation prend sa source dans l’important travail mené par les spécialistes ingénieurs, nutritionnistes vétérinaires et chercheurs, pour parfaire continuellement les connaissances en nutrition et santé animale. Le Groupe CCPA diffuse et valorise les dernières avancées de sa R&D dans des publications scientifiques, posters et présentations orales lors de journées et symposiums de recherche internationaux.
Cette recherche se concrétise également par la création de services et de solutions techniques utilisables par nos clients.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous différentes publications scientifiques du Groupe.
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Efficacité alimentaire,
Scientific Poster EPC 2024 - Effects of offering low protein diets with different levels of amino acids on broiler performance - Karine BEBIN
Efficacité alimentaire, Bien être animal,
Scientific Poster EPC 2024 - Field study on the behaviour, feed intake and performance of laying hens in an aviary system - Julie LACLAU
Bien être animal,
A blend of plant extracts and electrolytes alleviates the negative impact of heat stress on broiler behavior Roux 2022 Roux 2022 A blend of plant extracts and electrolytes alleviates the negative impact of heat stress on broiler behavior
Bien être animal,
Effects of diet density and oil inclusion level on JA broilers in the face of heat stress Sakkas 2022 Sakkas 2022 Effects of diet density and oil inclusion level on JA broilers in the face of heat stress
Efficacité alimentaire,
Effect of Dietary Indigestible Crude Protein Supply on the Development of Footpad Dermatitis in Broilers over time - SAKKAS 1, MIREAUX 2, BRUCHEC 3, PANHELEUX 3 - 26th World's Poultry Congress, abstracts selected in 2020
Efficacité alimentaire,
Effects of Dietary Energy and Protein Levels on Broiler Performance, Carcass Quality and Water Intake - BEBIN 1, PANHELEUX 1, LECUELLE 2, LAMBERT 2 - 26th World's Poultry Congress, abstracts selected in 2020
Plantes et extraits,
Use of plant extracts to improve rumen development, health and performance in young goats - CSIC EEZ - Belanche 1 A , Arturo Schaan 2 M, Leboeuf 2 L, Jimenez 1 E, Yáñez Ruiz 1 D.R. and Martín García 1 A.I. Rowet-INRAE Belanche
Efficacité alimentaire,
In vitro assessment of enzymatic phytate dephosphorylation during digestive process of different feeds and feed ingredients - Animal Feed Science and Technology - A. Riviere, T. Nothof, R. Greiner, S. Tranchimand, N. Noiret, F. Robert, M. Mireaux
Efficacité alimentaire,
Sow environment during gestation: part I. Influence on maternal physiology and lacteal secretions in relation with neonatal survival - dans la revue "Animal" - MERLOT E., PASTORELLI H., PRUNIER A., PÈRE M.C., LOUVEAU I., LEFAUCHEUR L., PERRUCHOT M.H., MEU
Efficacité alimentaire,
An in vitro system to assess the enzymatic dephosphorylation of phytate during digestion process of differents materials - Biotrans, 07-11/07/2019, Groningen, Pays-Bas - RIVIERE A., NOTHOF T., GREINER R., TRANCHIMAND S., NOIRET N, ROBERT F., MIREAUX M.
Efficacité alimentaire,
Effect of Turboviv' phytochemicals on soybean meal protein degradation using in-vitro method - ADSA Annual Meeting , 21/24/06/2020 - BALLARD V., ROBERT F., MIREAUX M., BOUDON A.
Plantes et extraits,
Effect of an association of plant extracts on white-striping and wooden breast appareance in chicken breast (poster) - ESPN, 10-13 Juin 2019, Pologne - BEBIN K., GARDAN-SALMON D., PANHELEUX-LEBASTARD M.
Gestion du stress,
Effect of the flavonoid baicalin on the proliferative capacity of bovine mammary cells and their ability to regulate oxidative stress - PEERJ.COM (05/03/2019) - PERRUCHOT M.H., GONDRET F., ROBERT F., DUPUIS E., QUESNEL H., DESSAUGE F.
Plantes et extraits,
Dietary supplementation of Scutellaria baicalensis extract during early lactation decreases milk somatic cells and increases whole lactation milk yield in dairy cattle - PLOS One, 23/01/2019 - OLAGARAY K.E., BROUK M.J., MAMEDOVA L.K., ROBERT F., DUPUIS E.
Efficacité alimentaire,